
来源:励志故事 发布时间:2019-08-20 点击:




Change Name
    Tom is 16. he decides to leave home and joins a music company. His father hears that and angry, “Singer? My son? It’s disgrace!” he shouts, “What do they think of the neighbors know?”
    “I will change my name,” Tom says. He thinks he will become a singer in the future.
    “Change your name?” Tom’s father shouts angrily, “What if you’re successful? How will the neighbors know you are my son.?”


Three Little Pigs and a Big Wolf
    Once, a mother pig sent her three little children into the world. They needed to look after themselves.
    The first pig found some straw, and he built a fine house with straw, and he built a fine house with straw.
    The second pig built a house with wood.
    The third pig built a house with stone.
    One day, a wolf came to straw house, he was hungry.
    “Little pig let me in! I’m your brother.”
    “No, no! You are a wolf.”
    Then the wolf blew down the straw house. The first pig ran to the wooden house.
    Then the wolf came to the wooden house, too. The two pigs ran to the stone house.
    The wolf came and blew the stone house. He blew and blew, but the house didn’t fall down. Then wolf was angry, he climbed to the roof and jumped down the chimney.
    The wolf fell into the pot! Ouch! He ran away.
    The three little pigs lived happily.
    一天, 一只大灰狼来到草房前,他十分饥饿。


Little Red Riding Hood
    Little Red Riding Hood is a lovely girl. She likes red hats. So her mother calls her little Red Riding Hood.
    Her grandma loves her very much. But now she is ill. Her mother is busy. So she asks little Riding Hood to see her grandma.
    In the forest, a wolf sees little Red Riding Hood, “Look, little Riding Hood. I have children for lunch, the path goes to her grandma’s house.”
    The wolf comes to grandma’s house and eats grandma. Then he wears grandma’s glasses and clothes, and in her bed.
    After a while, little Red Riding Hood comes to grandma’s bed. To her surprise, grandma’s mouth is very big. So she asks: “Grandma, why is your mouth so big?” “I eat little girls with this mouth.” And he rushed at little Red Riding Hood.
    “Help! Help!” The wolf runs after little Red Riding Hood. At this time, a hunter passes through the house. He shoots the wolf and saves little Red Riding Hood. Then he cuts the wolf and grandma comes out.





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