用where各写10个问句并回答 where是什么句型类别的

来源:百科 发布时间:2019-08-08 点击:


用where各写10个问句并回答 where是什么句型类别的匿名网友:1). Where is your house? My house is next to the supermarket.
你的房子在哪里? 我的房子在超市对面。
2). Where is your mom? My mom is at the conference.
你妈妈在哪里? 我妈妈在会议。
3). Where is Beijing? It's in China.
北京在哪里? 在中国。
4). Where is the United Kingdom? It's in Europe.
英国在哪里? 在欧洲。
5). Where is my backpack? It's in your bedroom.
我的书包在哪里? 在你的卧室里。
6). Where can I buy a pencil? In a school supplies store.
我可以在哪里买铅笔? 在学校耗材专卖店。
7). Where can I get the slip sign by the principal? In the principal office.
我可以在哪里让校长签名? 在校长办公室。
8). Where are all the students? They are in the gym.
同学们都在哪里? 他们都在体育馆。
9). Where can I borrow books? The library.
我在哪里可以借书? 图书馆。
10). Where does Amy goes? She goes to the hospital.
Amy去哪里了? 她去了医院。
答:1). Where is your house? My house is next to the supermarket. 你的房子在哪里? 我的房子在超市对面。 2). Where is your mom? My mom is at the conference. 你妈妈在哪里? 我妈妈在会议。 3). Where is Beijing? It"s in China. 北京在哪...

答:where是特殊疑问句,是问地址、位置,场所等的。例如 Where is my bag?It"s on the desk.

答:可以。如下面的例子 Where are you going for your holiday? Beijing. Where do you come from? America. Where did you buy this beautiful dress? In a shop near here. 就是把与上文相同的部分省略了。

答:where are you going to play football? 你们要去哪儿踢足球!

答:Where did you meet him? 你在哪里见过他? 特殊疑问句 以特殊疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。常用的疑问词有:what 、who 、whose 、which 、when 、where 、how 、why等。比如:what time is it now?


7.where i can 和 where can i 做问句时有什么区别?
问:用在疑问句开头时,where i can和where can i 有什么区别? 例如:我在...

答:Where is your question?

答:where询问地点,when询问时间 what要看实际用法中了,如:What do you think of the movie?你认为这部电影怎么样?(就是 询问看法) What is it?那是什么(询问具体事物) how主要用于询问感受之类的 仅供借鉴,望采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

10.写出三个有关 where 的问句并试着回答
答:1 What does he do ? He is a worker . 2 How many days are there in a year ? There are 365 days . 3 How long doest it take you to finish the work ? It takes me 20 minutes to finisth it . 1 He is a student . Is the a student ? Yes...


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《用where各写10个问句并回答 where是什么句型类别的.doc》



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