
来源:电脑安全 发布时间:2019-09-20 点击:


篇一:cnn 100篇新闻

cnn news item政治:美国因安全问题关闭在也门的大使馆
the u.s. government closes its embassy in the middle eastern country of yemen, and that is
because of security concerns. one official says that a group called al qaeda in the arabian peninsula might be planning an attack against the facility. that same group said it was behind an attempted plot to set off an explosive onboard a plane heading to detroit, michigan. that took placeon christmas day. the suspect allegedly brought the
explosives on the plane in his underwear. theplan failed when the device he tried to use didn’t detonate correctly. some people have asked how the suspect made it past security. one u.s. official says it’s because of human error. president obama has promised that everyone involved in the attack will be held accountable for it. but somecritics argue that the president’s response to the situation hasn’t been fast enough, hasn’t been aggressive enough. 美国政府关闭其驻也门的中东国家,那就是由于安全方面的顾虑。一位官员说,一组被称为基地组织在阿拉伯半岛的可能计划攻击该设施。同一集团表示,这是一个阴谋背后试图引爆了炸药搭载一架飞机前往底特律,密歇根州。发生在圣诞节那天。嫌疑人涉嫌把炸药在飞机上在他的内衣。当设备的计划失败了,他试图使用不正确引爆。有些人问如何使它通过安全。怀疑一位美国官员说,这是因为人类的错误。奥巴马总统已承诺,每个人都参与到进攻将负责它。但是一些批评者认为总统的应对形势并未足够快,还没有激进的足够的
cnn news item 2 政治:印度石油工人结束三天的罢工
it’s back to work for indian government oil workers after a three-day strike that crippledindian commerce. some 45,000 oil workers walked off the job after the government refused their demands for higher pay. the labor
standoff ended after days of intense government pressure,including threats of job loss and even arrest to strikers. meantime, talks with a second group of nationwide strikers may soon be underway. the indo-asian news-service says india’s transport minister is ready to discuss demands from truckers. many across india have parked their rigs,calling for reduction in diesel and tyre prices.
cnn news item 3 政治:备受争议的安全港法案修正案获得通过
lawmakers in nebraska have approved a big change to the state’s controversial safe haven law.under the new measure, children older than 30 days can not be dropped off at state hospitals. 35 children, many of them, preteens or even teenagers, have been abandoned in hospitals since the original law took effect in july. state lawmakers say it was intended to prevent newborns from being dumped in trash bins or even worse. the new law is expected to go into effect at midnight.
cnn news item 4 政治:欧美担心伊朗建国会发生暴乱
the nation of iran marking a milestone later on this week. on thursday, the country willcelebrate the anniversary of when it became an islamic republic. this goes back to 1979, when supporters of the ayatollah khomeini, a religious leader, overthrew the country’s government.khomeini became the supreme leader of iran, and the nation officially became an islamic state. the united states and the european union are worried about potential violence during thursday’s celebrations. u.s. and european union are urging the middle eastern nation to “end its abuses against its own people.” iranian leaders have denied any accusations that the government has abused citizens.
cnn news item 20 经济:油门事件让丰田汽车公司蒙受损失
toyota says that a glitch in the electronic brakes could cause a delay when you step on the pedal. they say it only affects 2010 models sold last year. and it’s those very same cars that arebeing credited with toyota’s cash cow. new numbers just out say they made $1.7 billion last quarter, but it won’t last for long. for the first time, toyota is admitting it’s going to take a huge beating due to this gas pedal nightmare. $2 billion for repairs and lost sales.
cnn news item 21 经济:美国国际集团发放高管奖金
aig is trying to prevent a new wave of backlash over paying out bonuses to its top executives.the washington post reports the company has asked the obama administration to approve millions of dollars in promised bonuses. the payments are scheduled to go out next week. aig doesn’t actually need approval. because the payments were linked to contracts from last year before received aid from the federal bailout funds. but the post reports
executives still are reluctant to pay without official approval. an earlier round of 2008 aig employee bonuses drew widespread criticism earlier this year.
cnn news item 22 经济:医疗保险改革方案之争
the raw politics of health is heating up in the senate. just before air last night, senatemajority leader harry reid announced a group of 10 liberal and conservative democrats had reached a deal to replace the hotly debated public option with a package of alternatives. senator reid offered few details. but today, president obama praised the emerging compromise. now, the public plan deal came just hours after the senate killed a controversial amendment to restrict abortion coverage in its health care bill to ensure that no federal funds go toward covering any kind of abortion in this new reform. nebraska senator ben nelson had introduced that amendment. he called it a deal-breaker. he’s also one of the 10 senators to hammer out the deal to drop the publicplan.
cnn news item 23 经济:欧洲一些国家经济前景堪忧
over in europe, the financial outlook for a few countries isn’t looking too good. the investment ratings for spain, portugal and greece all went down this week. greece might be theworst situation. experts are using the word “junk” to describe that nation’s investment rating. basically, they’re saying that it’s very risky to put your money there. greece has a massive debt,nearly $400 billion. that’s bigger than the country’s economy. greece is developing ways to cut spending, but greek workers aren’t too happy about some of those plans, and they’ve been protesting about it. greece is also asking for financial help from the european union: a bailout of more than $50 billion.
cnn news item 37 军事:一名重要的恐怖分子丧命
one of the fbi’s most wanted terrorists is dead. imadmougniyeh was killed in an explosion insyria this morning.
mougniyehwas a top hezbollah commander. he was blamed for several high-profile terrorist acts that left hundreds of americans and israelis dead, including the 17-day hijacking of a twa flight in 1985. he was also suspected of masterminding the attacks on the u.s. embassy and marine barracks in lebanon that killed more than 260 americans in 1983.
cnn news item 38 军事:伊朗进行为期三天的大规模军事演练
moving from thailand to the persian gulf now, where iran is running a massive military drill expected to last three days. an iranian official says the goal is to show off the country’s militarystrength. it might look like a real battle what you are seeing here is just practice. u.s. navy says iran has done this sort of thing in the past. this one is getting more attention because iran talked about it ahead of time.
cnn news item 39 军事:奥巴马外政顾问出来辟谣
no commitment by president-elect barack obama on a missile defense program in eastern europe. that’s according to a senior obama advisor. the statement comes after claims on the polish president’s website — the two had a call on the matter and that obama said he intended tocontinue the program. obama’s senior foreign policy advisor denied that claim. he said obama talked with the polish president about continuing military and political cooperation and possibly meeting in person some time soon.
cnn news item 67 社会:烟草制造商试图吸引年轻人
harvard researchers suggest some cigarette makers are trying to hook young smokers with milder menthol cigarettes. according to the scientists, higher menthol levels popular with older smokers are too strong for new smokers. a spokesman for philip morris usa denies the allegations.tenyears ago, tobacco companies and state governments made an agreement that prohibits companies from targeting the young.
哈佛研究人员提出一些香烟制造商正试图钩年轻吸烟者较轻的薄荷香烟。据科学家研究,更高的薄荷醇水平受老烟民太强烈,新吸烟者。菲利普莫里斯美国发言人否认了这些指控。十年前,烟草企业和州政府达成协议,禁止公司瞄准年轻 cnn news item 68 社会:航空公司与遇难者家属发生争执
american airlines says oxygen was administered and a defibrillator was used to try to save apassenger who died during the flight. the woman’s family insist the flight attendant refused to help. her cousin says when flight attendants got an oxygen tank, it was empty and what may have been a defibrillator appeared malfunction. in the statement, the american airlines said a check of all emergence equipment is part of flight attendants’ pre-flight duties, and there were 12 oxygen bottles on that plane. a medical examiner says the woman had heart disease and died of natural causes.
cnn news item 69 社会:白人消防员声称遭到“逆向歧视”
the u.s. supreme court made rules this week on a very controversial case. new haven, connecticut firefighters say they are victims of reverse discrimination. after the city threw out all of the test results for promotion because no african american did well enough to be promoted, federal judge and supreme court nominee sonia sotomayor was on the appeals court that appealed the city’s decision.
cnn news item 70 社会:众多学校因h1n1流感停课
the h1n1 virus is spreading from coast to coast, a lot faster than many had expected. thehardest hit areas are in the southeast, the great lake region, and in out west. the department of education is saying the h1n1 has forced 198 schools across 15 different states to shut down. that is a huge increase from just a few days ago and more than 65,000 children were out of school yesterday because of the swine flu or swine flu symptoms, that’s up from around 28,000 monday.h1n1病毒正在蔓延,从东海岸到西海岸,比许多人预计的要快得多。受灾最严重的地区是在东南部,大西洋地区,在西部。教育部说h1n1已经迫使198所学校在15个不同的州关闭。这是一个巨大的增长就在几天前,超过65000名儿童被退学,因为昨天猪流感或猪流感症状,增加到大约28000星期一
cnn news item 77 文化:法国人花在吃和睡上时间多
in france it seems free time is spent mostly sleeping and eating. that’s according to a survey from the organization for economic cooperation and development. since they are based in paris they ought to know. it seems the french sleep an average of 9 hours a day, lucky them and eat and drink for at least 2 hours, lucky again. compare that to the u.s. where the average americancatches ease for about eight and a half hours, that’s still more than i can get, that i get on my early shift, and eat for just over an hour a day. they’re eating too fast that my mother would never approve. in asia however koreans and japanese people sleep under 8 hours a day with a large part of their leisure time reserved for tv.
cnn news item 78 文化:北美版《圣经》对语言进行了修正
seems the bible is getting a makeover. editors for the top-selling version in north america are updating its language. they say they wanna make it more accessible and easy to understand. they are also taking another look at gender terms. for example, “sons of god” would be “children of god”. they hope to have it published in two years.
cnn news item 79 灾难:海地地震造成大量人员伤亡
massive devastation, severe loss of life, uncertainty about what to do or where to go: that is what is facing survivors of tuesday’s deadly earthquake in haiti. the caribbean island nation is home to around 9 million people. the red cross says that one out of every three of those residents was affected by this quake. the country’s president is calling on the international community for aid, saying, “we need doctors, we need medicine, we need medical help.” the u.s., along withnations from europe, asia and south america, as well as global relief agencies — all of them havealready begun sending relief workers and assistance to haiti. president obama has pledged that america will have a major role in the relief efforts. haiti is part of the island of hispaniola, along with the dominican republic. and that island has a fault line that runs along its southern side. that’s why scientists have warned that hispaniola was at risk for a major earthquake. haiti itself is a little smaller than the state of maryland. it’s the poorest country in the
western hemisphere. 80percent of its population lives under the poverty line, and that economic situation might create additional challenges as the country tries to recover from this natural disaster.
cnn news item 80灾难:自然灾害席卷多国
well the u.k. is suffering from floods, southern europe is facing a devastating heatwave. theheat has been blamed form hundreds of death. officials are urging people, especially the elderly to stay in doors and minimize activity.
wildfires caused by the heat are raging in greece, italy andmacedonia. in macedonia, two thousand firefighters are battling blazes in what officials are calling one of the country’s worst fire seasons ever recorded. and while many are relying onair-conditioning and water to stay cool. power and water systems have been strained by the demand. this has caused widespread breakdowns across the volkens.
cnn news item 86 自然灾害:恶劣天气袭击美国中部地区
severe weather in the nation’s midsection this afternoon. a state of emergency has been declared in three indiana counties. interstates 70 and 65 are both closed in parts of the state due toflooding. meanwhileemergency crews are rescuing trapped residents in homes, and some evenstuck in their cars. floodwaters in indianapolis buried cars and covered streets this morning. the plains states and midwest have been pounded with severe weather and strong storms for more thanthree days. in andrew county, missouri, residents are cleaning up after flooding friday. several counties reported flash flooding, blocking roads and uprooted trees. northwestern minnesota was also slammed by a tornado. the twister snapped trees, downed power lines and damaged homes inhubbard county. no reports of any serious injuries there.
cnn news item 87 环境保护:绿色和平组织极力阻止猎鲸行为
greenpeace is trying to stop suspected whalers. it’s been tracking in the antarctic ocean. the environmental group located the whaling fleet after searching for more than a week. greenpeace is warning it will take non-violent action to stop any
whales from being killed. the most commercial whaling is banned. japan operates on a loophole that does allow scientific research. japanese whaling officials say they are doing nothing illegal.
cnn news item 88 环境保护:地球日当天华盛顿呼吁使用低耗油车
on this earth day, washington is calling for more fuel-efficient cars and trucks. the standards would require new vehicles to average 31.6 miles per gallon by the year 2015. a new energy law calls for the fleet wide average of new cars and trucks to reach 35 miles per gallon by the year 2020.the current rule calls for 27.5 miles per gallon for cars. suvs, pickup trucks and vans need to get 22.5 miles per gallon. transportation secretary mary peters announced this proposal which is expected to be finalized before president bush leaves office.
cnn news item 89 环境保护:墨西哥湾当局正在与时间赛跑
authorities around the gulf of mexico are in a race against time. they are trying to control anoil spill that’s heading
toward the louisiana shore. yesterday, it was about 23 miles off the coast of louisiana, could reach land by friday. if that happens, officials say it could create an ecological disaster. this is all from the deepwater horizon. that’s the oil rig that sank in the gulf last week.the company that owns the rig is trying to stop the leak underwater. meantime, authorities on shore are trying to block the oil from getting to sensitive areas.
cnn news item 90 自然与环境:亚特兰大燃气紧缺
it has been a wild gas chase for a lot of people in atlanta. a pump without a plastic bag on thehandle or a “no gas” sign is hard to come by thanks to supply issues from gulf coast refineries.experts say consumer’s panicking and topping off their tanks is also to blame. georgia’s governor says gas should flow more freely. now the epa has eased up on some pollution restrictions for theshort term. any available gas equals happy and relieved buyers and sellers.


bbc最早的两个电台是国内服务(home service)和全球服务(world service),后来又提供软性节目(light programme)。1967年现代音乐频道,bbc radio 1开播,从那时起bbc开始采用目前的命名方式:bbc radio 2播送轻音乐、乡村音乐、爵士乐和娱乐节目,bbc radio 4则是之前的国内服务。1990年8月27日,bbc radio 5开播,后又更名为bbc radio 5 live(bbc radio 5直播)。今天bbc拥有10个电台频道,面对不同的听众。针对不同的地区,bbc也有不同的节目选择。 bbc全球服务则对全球广播,此外bbc的一些短波频道也可以在英国以外地区收听到。这些频道大多以新闻为主,一部分经费来自英国外交部。现在bbc所有 的电台节目都可以从互联网上免费下载。
cnn是美国有线电视新闻网(cable news network)的英文缩写,由特纳广播公司(tbs)董事长特德·特纳于1980年6月创办,通过卫星向有线电视网和卫星电视用户提供全天候的新闻节目,总部设在美国佐治亚州的亚特兰大。
cnn国际新闻网实行全球24小时不间断的直播新闻报导,据统计全球有超过二百一十个国家和地区转播cnn英语新闻。目前cnn在亚洲设有七个新闻分社: 香港hongkong、东京tokyo、北京beijing、汉城seoul、雅加达jakarta、新德里new delhi及曼谷bankok,高效地将亚洲时事与世界连通。cnn在香港设有制作中心,制作集中探讨亚洲地区问题的节目,主要报导亚太区社会、文化、商 业、经济等发展与动态。
福克斯广播公司(fox broadcasting corporation),总部位于美国洛杉矶,成立于1986年,老板是著名大亨默多克。1990年始播新闻节目,现在已经成为美国第一大新闻频道。 《x档案》和《越狱》等节目就是由福克斯出品。fox福克斯广播节目语速与在线cnn广播电台差不多,内容上大同小异,包括访谈、对话、新闻追踪、国际时 政等,美式发音。
收听地址:/a/radio/2012/0523/37.html voa的全称是voice of america,通常翻译作“美国之音”或者“美国之声”。voa成立于1942年2月,位于美国华盛顿市,目前voa在线英语广播已经成为世界上最著名最有影响力的新闻广播机构之一。 voa英语分慢速(voa special english,用词和句型相对简单,语速较慢,大约90字/分钟,容易听懂)和标准(voa standard english,
词汇量在4k以上,语速不低于140字/分钟,且句子相对较长而复杂)两种。voa广播电台播放的内容十分广泛,主要包括新闻、文化、专 题、音乐、农业、经济、社会、时政评论和教育等诸多方面,旨在增进各国对美国的了解。


but to join us to continue to expand upon steps we have taken in recent days in order to isolate russia politically, diplomatically and economically.
the u.s. government has sided with the pro-europe ukrainians.
russia says it will not fight ukraine, but the u.s. says russian troops have
entered the european country and that it's considering sanctions against russia. 俄罗斯表示不会攻打乌克兰,但美国表示俄罗斯军队已经加入到欧洲国家而且政治考虑对于俄罗斯的制裁。
that's adding to the pressure on russia's main stock market.
well, since then the micex has rebounded slightly.
meanwhile, the ruble has lost ten percent of its value since the beginning of the year raising fears of inflation and painful memories of previous currency devaluation.
it could even trigger the recession outside.
despite its oil wealth, russia is increasingly reliant on the west.
but if the west piles on too much economic pressure, russian president vladimir putin could respond by cutting off russia's oil and natural gas exports to the e.u. with potentially disastrous consequences.
isolate ['ais?leit, -lit]
vt. 使隔离;使孤立;使绝缘 n. 隔离种群 vi. 隔离;孤立 adj. 隔离的;孤立的
1. the writer isolated himself in his study. 那位作家把自己关在书房里。
2. can we isolate that? 可以分离出来吗?
diplomatically [,dipl?'m?tik?li]
adv. 在外交上;靠外交途径;圆滑地;婉转地
1. he told the artist diplomaticallythat his ugly picture was "unusual"
2. "i told the chancellor my first choice, of course, is to solve thisdiplomatically, " said president bush.
n. 制裁;处罚(sanction的复数);制发v. 批准;对…实行制裁;赞许(sanction的三单形式)
1. to sanction the embargo against (a country)对(某国)实行禁运制裁
2. so are there no sanctions at all? 那么是否根本没有制裁呢?
equivalent [i'kwiv?l?nt]
adj. 等价的,相等的;同意义的n. 等价物,相等物
1. the two words are equivalent in meaning那两个词在意思上是相等的。
2. deep copy construction: to obtain a new yet equivalent wrapped object.深复制构造:获得一个新的、等价的包装对象。
rebounded [,ri:'baund]
n. 回弹;篮板球vi. 回升;弹回vt. 使弹回v. 重新装订(rebind的过去式和过去分词)
1. on wednesday, however, both treasurys and the dollar rebounded.
2. i would like to calm, i haverebounded, who can tell me how i end.
inflation [in'flei??n]
n. 膨胀;通货膨胀;夸张;自命不凡
1. the economy verges toward inflation经济倾向于通货膨胀。
2. but it is a policy of continuousinflation但这是一种持续的通货膨胀政策。devaluation [,di:v?lju'ei??nn. 货币贬值
1. devaluation could itself trigger a wage-price spiral.贬值本身将引发工资-价格螺旋。
2. in the euro area, economies deprived of the safety valve of devaluation must make structural reforms to adjust.在欧元区中,失去了货币贬值安全阀的各经济体必须实施结构性改革来进行调整。
trigger ['triɡ?] vt. 引发,引起;触发vi. 松开扳柄n. 扳机;触发器;制滑机
1. his stupid remarks triggered off a strike.他说的蠢话引发了一场罢工。
2. the brain reacts to the trigger.大脑对这种触发做出反应。
recession [ri'se??n] n. 衰退;不景气;后退;凹处
1. one reason is the recession原因之一是经济衰退。
2. comfort is the bridge to recession.安逸是通向衰退的桥梁。
disastrous [di'zɑ:str?s] adj. 灾难性的;损失惨重的;悲伤的
1. disastrous weather have drought, floods, frost, hail and strong winds.灾害性天气有干旱、洪涝、霜冻、冰雹和大风。
2. in a travel, i witnessed a disastrouscustomer service of a car rental company在一次旅行中,我目睹了一家租车公司灾难性的顾客服务。
compare to 把…比作,喻为 so how does this compare to other music solutions?
they have nothing to compare to.没有东西让他们来比较。 i'll bring you up to speed on the latest developments.
you're ten minutes away from getting up to speedon current events.
n. 代表(delegate的复数) v. 选举…为代表;委托职责(delegate的三单形式)
1. they have delegated him to represent their city at the convention.他们选举他代表他们市去参加代表大会。 2. the majority of delegates voted for the proposal大多数代表投票赞成这个建议。it includes thousands of delegates from all over the country.
involvement [in'v?lvm?nt] n. 牵连;包含;混乱;财政困难
1. in a recent book, he advocated much more government involvement in health care.在最近的一本书中,他主张政府应更多的参与卫生保健。
2. we are both individual and social creatures. we need both involvement and independence我们俩都是独有且群居的人。我们需要互相牵连且独立。
trade [treid] n. 贸易,交易;行业;职业 vi. 交易,买卖;以物易物vt. 用…进行交换
1. our company trades with many foreign companies.
2. my major was economics and trade.我主修的是经济与贸易。
asteroid ['?st?r?id] n. [天文]小行星;海盘车;小游星adj. 星状的
1. dodge being hit in an asteroid belt, and get ready to land as you approach a deserted moonscape.道奇被击中的小行星带,并准备好土地作为你的方法一个荒芜的月球表面。
2. fixed an issue in the solar system editor that caused a crash whenever you deleted an asteroid field.修正了一个太阳系编辑器中的问题,该问题会导致在删除小行星带时崩溃。
but an asteroid zipped by us yesterday.
zipped adj. 用拉链扣上的v. 拉链(zip的过去式);发嘘嘘声;使…增加热情
1. extract the zipped files to a temporary directory.压缩文件到一个临时目录。
2. high, stand-up collar - when zippedup, the hood opening forms the rear part of the collar and seals against the back of the head, keeping the neck warm高立领——当把拉链拉上时,帽子的开口形成了领子的后部,帽身部分贴着头部后面,保持脖子温暖。
termsn. 地位,关系;条款;术语;措辞;价钱(term的复数形式)v. 把…称为(term的三单
1. you might term her boy friend handsome.你可以说她的男朋友是英俊的。
2. but other creditors have refused the terms.但其他债权人拒绝这些条款。
tumultuous [tju:'m?ltju?s, adj. 吵闹的;骚乱的;狂暴的
1. like the birds or the beasts, musicians can sometimes be seers of tumultuouschange.音乐家就类同于鸟或走兽,他们时常能预言万变莫测的世界。 2. no other country has undergone suchtumultuous change in so short a time as russia did under yeltsin.没有一个国家像叶利钦时代的俄罗斯一样,在这么短的时间里经历了如此动荡的变革。 it was a tumultuous weekend in ukraine.乌克兰刚刚度过了一个混乱的周末。 because here's the baseball diamond right here.
tournament ['tu?n?m?nt, n. 锦标赛,联赛;比赛
1. whether she wins or she loses, this is her last tournament不管她是赢是输,这是她的最后一次锦标赛。
2. i am now coaching a high school team, we attended a city tournament last month, and lost all of them我现在是一支高中校队的教练,上个月我们参加了全市的联赛,我们输掉了所有比赛。 ouster ['aust?] n. 驱逐;剥夺;罢黜
1. that two-year old controversy evolved into charges of ethics violations and prompted some
european governments to demand his ouster.这个长达两年的争论逐渐演变成违法道德的指控并促使许多欧盟国家政府要求其离任。
2. five years after the "tulip revolution" which led to the ouster of one president, kyrgyzstan has seen another flee the capital, another new government set up and more elections promised
peninsula [pi'ninsjul?] n. 半岛
1. near the florida peninsula, there live lots of dolphins.佛罗里达半岛附近省份存折很多海豚。
2. video from the air shows the destruction hurricane ike had on the bolivar peninsula in texas.空中影像显示飓风艾克对得克萨斯州的玻利瓦尔半岛造成的破坏。
combat ['k?mb?t, k?m'b?t] vt. 反对;与…战斗vi. 战斗;搏斗n. 战斗;争论adj. 战斗的;为…斗争的
1. we must combat our own shortcomings and errors.我们必须与自己的缺点和错误做斗争。
2. second, the need to combat localism.其次,需要打击地方主义。
confrontation [,k?nfr?n'tei??n] n. 对抗;面对;对质
1. we can't risk another confrontationwith the union.我们不能冒再次同工会对抗的危险。
2. of all the possible boundary experiences, confrontation with death is by far the most potent.在所有可能的边界体验中,濒临死亡的体验是目前来看最有力的。
populated adj. 粒子数增加的v. 居住于…中;构成…的人口(populate的过去分词)
1. what peoples have populated america?有什麽民族移民美国?
2. some areas, due to their severe weather conditions, are hardly populated由于恶劣的天气条件,一些区域几乎不能居住。
extremes n. 狂热分子,极端条件
1. both these extremes are to be avoided.这两种极端都是应该避免的。
2. editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their reader with unimportant facts and statistics.报纸和杂志的编辑常常为了提供读者不重要的实际情形与数据而走极端。
shivering ['?iv?ri?] n. 颤抖;小片adj. 颤抖的v. 颤抖(shiver的ing形式)
1. shivering carcass shuns the light颤抖的尸体回避着阳光。
2. shivering replaced by muscle rigidity肌肉僵硬取代了颤抖。
parched [pɑ:t?t] adj. 焦的;炎热的;炒过的;干透的v. 烘干;使极渴(parch的过去分词)
1. land parched by the sun太阳烤得大地干裂。
2. the results showed that the milked tea boiling from brick tea is the best for making
tibetan parched flour得出结论,制作、生产食品糌粑最佳茶水为用砖茶熬制的奶茶,其次是熬制的砖茶。
fostered ['f?st?] vt. 培养;养育,抚育;抱(希望等)adj. 收养的,养育的
1. love must be fostered with roses爱情必须靠玫瑰来培育。
2. interviewer: what ability do you think should be fostered in this process?面试官:你认为你在这个过程中需要培养的能力是什么? windy dry conditions fostered the spread of wild fires, and when rain finally came from a recentstorm system, there wasn't much vegetation left to soak it up.





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